\begin{tabbing} $\forall$\=${\it es}$:event\_system\{i:l\}, $l$:IdLnk, ${\it tgs}$:(Id List), ${\it da}$:fpf(Knd; $k$.Type),\+ \\[0ex]$f_{1}$,$f_{2}$:(\{$e$:es{-}E(${\it es}$)$\mid$ loc($e$) = source($l$) $\in$ Id\} $\rightarrow$(\=(${\it tg}$:Id\+ \\[0ex]$\times$ fpf{-}cap(\=${\it da}$; Kind{-}deq; rcv($l$,${\it tg}$); void\+ \\[0ex])) List)), \-\-\\[0ex]${\it ds}_{1}$,${\it ds}_{2}$:fpf(Id; $x$.Type). \-\\[0ex]fpf{-}sub(Id; $x$.Type; id{-}deq; ${\it ds}_{2}$; ${\it ds}_{1}$) \\[0ex]$\Rightarrow$ ($\forall$$e$:\{$e$:es{-}E(${\it es}$)$\mid$ loc($e$) = source($l$) $\in$ Id\} . $f_{1}$($e$) = $f_{2}$($e$)) \\[0ex]$\Rightarrow$ with decls ${\it ds}_{1}$ ${\it da}$sends on $l$ from $e$ include $f_{1}$($e$) and only these for tags in ${\it tgs}$ \\[0ex]$\Rightarrow$ with decls ${\it ds}_{2}$ ${\it da}$sends on $l$ from $e$ include $f_{2}$($e$) and only these for tags in ${\it tgs}$ \end{tabbing}